Breaking Free from Performance Mode


I have found myself laughing more this week than I have in several months and I’m loving every minute of it!!

There was a time when laughing was difficult because I always found myself in performance mode. Not anymore…I’m stepping out of the stuffy, cramped box.

I have realized that God didn’t create me to perform like a robot day in and day out or get caught up in what others expect of me. He created me to live an abundant life and right now it is filled with laughter that I pray never gets old!

So many times we hold back from having fun, laughing at ourselves, and letting our guard down.

A couple of weeks ago, someone that has had a front-row seat to my transformation over the last couple of months said, "I can see you’re slowly letting your guard down and allowing yourself to have fun."

That really resonated with me because I never realized other people could tell that I was always being so reserved. I felt like I did a pretty good job of showing the fun side of me.

Now, here I stand, or sit, learning how to be ok with mistakes, misunderstandings, and any shortcomings that I may have. You know why?

I’m learning how to REST in the Lord.

For me, this means letting my guard down and surrendering. I'm trusting in Him and following His guidance, and it's allowing for so much FUN in my daily walk.

I have taken the pressure off of myself and put my full weight on Him. I LOVE IT!!!!

So, let me share exactly what that looks like for me…

👉🏽 Spending time in the Word of God and gaining a greater, deeper understanding of His love for me.
👉🏽 Spending more time with my husband and laughing together.
👉🏽 Enjoying the friends God has placed in my life.
👉🏽 Having fun by myself!!!
👉🏽 Leaning on God and learning from His Word.

I hope this encourages you to step out of performance mode, rest in God's promises, and allow yourself to have some FUN!!

Embrace the freedom to laugh, be silly, and enjoy everything God has blessed us with. Remember, you don't have to meet anyone's expectations but His!

You still have time to join in on the June Summer FUN Scavenger Hunt for a chance to win one of THREE prizes!!! ☀️

I've created a list of 20 fun summer activities for you to complete throughout the month of June. So, here are the rules:

  • Complete the activities and post a picture as you go on your Instagram FEED or STORY! (*one activity per picture)
  • You MUST tag ME and include the HASHTAG #AmplifiedSummerFun on all of your posts and stories!
  • Complete ALL of the activities to earn the MOST points!
  • Everyone who has earned the most points by June 31st will be entered for a chance to win one of THREE prizes!

The first prize is one of my favorite books, Redefine Wealth for Yourself by Patrice Washington. The second prize is another really great book, Permission to Offend by Rachel Luna. The third prize is a SURPRISE!!!

The three winners of the giveaway will be announced on my Instagram on July 1st.

Click below to download the Scavenger Hunt list and let's get the summer fun started!!

DOWNLOAD: Summer Scavenger Hunt

Talk soon!!

Tiesha Andrews

Driven by her desire to see women pursue their passion, Tiesha takes pride in providing a space where individuals can discover, launch, and attain their purpose.

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