
Tiesha Andrews

Driven by her desire to see women pursue their passion, Tiesha takes pride in providing a space where individuals can discover, launch, and attain their purpose.

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📢 Exciting Announcement: Early Bird Access!

Exciting Announcement! ✨ Early Bird Discount ✨ Calling all women of faith who are ready to break free from fear and embrace the incredible promises of God! 🙌🔥 Join us on a transformative journey where we conquer fear together, step into courage, and experience the sweet taste of victory! 💪✨ 📢 Discover how to overcome your fears and find strength in God's promises with my exclusive virtual workshop: “Guided by the LIGHT: Empowering Women of Faith to Embrace Courage and Walk in Confidence." 📚✝️...

Let's talk about that extra baggage we carry around in life... You know, the stuff that weighs us down and costs us more than we want to pay, just like those pesky overweight luggage fees at the airport. You've probably heard people say, "We all have baggage," but I want to challenge that notion. Not everyone is actually walking around with it, even though they might have had it at some point. The truth is, we all accumulate our fair share of baggage in different ways. It could be from our...

AMPLIFIED IMPACT How many times have you thought to yourself, "I’m finally going to start that podcast." or "I’m going to go start writing that blog."? But then, before you know it, days and months have passed by, and you haven't started anything. I’m telling you, now is the time….TODAY! If you're waiting for perfection, that's not going to happen. If you're waiting because you want to do some more market research, I'm here to tell you there will always be more research and learning you can...

AMPLIFIED IMPACT I have found myself laughing more this week than I have in several months and I’m loving every minute of it!! There was a time when laughing was difficult because I always found myself in performance mode. Not anymore…I’m stepping out of the stuffy, cramped box. I have realized that God didn’t create me to perform like a robot day in and day out or get caught up in what others expect of me. He created me to live an abundant life and right now it is filled with laughter that I...

AMPLIFIED IMPACT I made a statement a couple of weeks ago on my podcast... "Obedience is not a risk. It is all reward when we decide to obey." God just keeps reminding me about obedience. He continues to tap me on my shoulder and say, "Hey, remember obedience? I don't wanna have to tell you again. Just go ahead and obey me the first time." I know I'm not the only one who doesn't always move as quickly as I should when it comes to being obedient...but, why should we be Quick to Obey? Tune into...

AMPLIFIED IMPACT It is officially summer at my house!! ☀️ This summer we're gonna do something FUN and I hope that you will join in on some of this fun with us. We are doing a scavenger hunt! I've created a list of 20 fun summer activities for you to complete throughout the month of June. So, here are the rules: Complete the activities and post a picture as you go on your Instagram FEED or STORY! (*one activity per picture) You MUST tag ME and include the HASHTAG #AmplifiedSummerFun on all of...

AMPLIFIED IMPACT Do you ever find yourself consuming information but never actually applying it to your life? I recently caught myself doing this as I was reading through several scriptures about God's love... We can so easily miss the manifestation of God's love in our everyday lives because we're looking for love or gratification in other places; our work, our households, our families, and so on. We fail to see that the love we need has already been poured into our lives, and that's the...

Episode 17: Pilates, Purpose, and a Podcast Listen Now! Ever feel like things in your life just aren't moving or you feel stagnant? We can delay or miss out on what God has in store for us because we're asking all these questions or we don't feel like we're capable or worthy of whatever it is. Here's what I have to say about that... If God told you to do it, He already knows that you're capable. He's not going to ask you to do something that He hasn't already equipped you to do! Once we just...

Episode 16: What's Your Testimony? Listen Now! The Bible says that we overcome by the word of our testimony. Our testimony can encourage others to continue pursuing the things before them and even give others permission to share their own testimony. It's important that we share more because there are so many things that we go through and overcome, but don't ever share. When we don't share our story, we leave others out there to struggle. We leave others in hopelessness, wondering if this is...

I've spent my entire adult life living up to expectations. At age 17, I joined the military. At age 25, I got married. At age 26, I became a mother. At age 27, I became a realtor. Now, here I am today, 42 years old; married, with three kids, a real estate career, and a transformational coaching business, which I started four years ago. I'm truly grateful to God for allowing me to experience all that I have, but I also realized that the one thing I hadn't experienced was true transformation in...